Hotel check-in starts at 3PM (front desk time) on your scheduled arrival date. Check-out ends at 11AM (front desk time) on your scheduled departure date. While we encourage guests to arrive prior to the front desk closing (where applicable), after-hours check-in is available. Consider notifying the front desk of your approximate arrival time or just call x500 when you arrive.
Need early check-in or late check-out? Our hotels may be able to accommodate that request but you MUST make arrangements in advance. Fees of $50 (or more) may apply. Guests wishing to extend a stay must formally book/reserve/extend as soon as possible. Room availability is not guaranteed and should not be presumed or verbally confirmed.
While we encourage guests to arrive at or contact (with approximate arrival time) the front desk prior to closing (find hours on hotel pages or your confirmation emails), after-hours check-in is available. Just call x500 from the lobby phone or the front desk number (choose the option for on-site staff from the menu) from your cell phone. An on-site staff member will assist you as soon as possible - but it can take up to 45 minutes to complete the process.
To check-in (or renew a stay) at least one registered guest, 18+ (21+ or 18+ for active or reserve US military with a valid military ID at our Florida properties) must be present with photo ID and full payment for stated/anticipated stay. You may be required to register your car, all guests in your party (providing photo ID(s) for adult guest(s), and declare all animals. Third-party credit card authorization forms are available but must be submitted to and approved by the hotel's general manager prior to check-in. Please contact the hotel front desk for their specific requirements.
To check out, you can simply leave the hotel before 11AM (local time) on your stated check-out date (unless you have concerns, need some support, or want to have a room assessment done, etc). Receipts for stays, discussion of fees for room damage, etc. should be coordinated before departure, if possible. All guests who fail to be completely out of their room (including all belongings, etc.) can be charged up to $50 for late check-out if not previously coordinated with the hotel staff.